Saturday 2 February 2019

Not Recognising The Function Of Gestural Rhythm

Martin & Zappavigna (2019: 9):
The phonological system of RHYTHM is realised in English through the timing of the salient syllables beginning each foot (relatively equal timing between salient syllables in a stress-timed language). In the following example, the vlogger beats with her hands in time with the salient syllables of the feet / not /, / find the / and / hair dye that I /. The last of these in fact syncs with the tonic syllable hair (Fig. 9).

Blogger Comments:

To be clear, the authors here do not identify the function of the rhythm of these gestures (but see the following post).  In the authors' source, Cléirigh's model of linguistic body language, the rhythm serves the same function as the rhythm of speech in Halliday's theory.  That is, the beats identify the potential tonics, those that speaker chose not to instantiate (select); so in terms of the grammar, they realise the potential foci of New information, those that speaker chose not to instantiate (select).

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