Friday 15 February 2019

Failing To Account For Body Language Meaning

Martin & Zappavigna (2019: 14, 16):
Motion can also occur on its own, without a handshape concurring with an entity (Fig. 22). For example the vlogger uses a circular hand motion (two rotations) concurrent with the tone group // tried washing it out and it's //. 

Blogger Comments:

To be clear, the hand is always shaped in some way. The semiotic question is whether or not the shape means something other than itself.  

The authors' (unsupported) declaration (p12) that handshapes "concur" with linguistic elements ("entities") ignores the meaning of all the handshapes that violate that stipulation, such as those depicted in Figure 22.  

So in this instance, the authors' failure to identify body language meaning is presented, instead, as just one way that the body language system works.

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